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Can Dogs Eat Guava?

Does your dog follow you around the kitchen desperately hoping for a rogue piece of food to come his way? Fruit is one of the common foods dogs will often seek out for its natural sweetness. If this sounds like your pup, you may be wondering if dogs can eat guava?

If this is a fruit you often enjoy at home, the good news is your dog can also share in the delight of a sweet ripe guava with you. Of course, only in moderation.

Guava on a plate with one sliced in half.
Photo credit: Pexels.

Can dogs have guava?

Guava is perfectly safe for dogs to eat. Unlike grapes, the fruit contains no harmful toxins and so long as the fruit is peeled and the seeds removed, it’s fine to feed your dog guava in moderation.

What is guava?

Guava is a commonly cultivated oval shaped fruit originating from tropical and sub-tropical locations. It’s native to Mexico, the Caribbean, South America and Central America.

It comes in many varieties with differing colors of flesh and tastes similar to a cross between a pineapple and apple. Guava leaves are often used in teas and made into supplements.

What types of guava can dogs eat?

Some of the many guava varieties you may find include:

  • apple guava
  • red guava
  • white guava
  • pineapple guava
  • Thai guava

Any of these different types of guava are safe for dogs. Be careful of products made with guava such as guava paste. Once the fruit is taken out of its natural state and processed, it often contains added ingredients. Guava paste is high in sugar and not recommended for dogs to consume.

Pink guava with stem attached next to fruit sliced in half on pink surface.
Photo credit: Pexels.

How are guavas beneficial for dogs?

Like most fruits, guavas offer some excellent healthy benefits that can extend to your dog if you share the fruit with them.

  1. Vitamins and nutrients — High in vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, potassium and copper per 100 grams of fruit, guavas offer an array of beneficial micro-nutrients. Vitamins A and K help dogs maintain a healthy metabolism whereas B vitamins (folate) can help with maintaining proper neurological functioning. These are just some of a long list of nutrients available in the guava fruit.
  2. Powerful antioxidants — The antioxidant levels (vitamin C) in guava have been correlated to potential immune-boosting qualities as well as increased heart health.
  3. Aids in digestion — Due to their high fiber content, guavas can help provide the necessary fiber to prevent common digestive problems in dogs such as diarrhea and constipation.

Considerations before feeding guava to a dog

  • Always serve in moderation — The high fiber content in most fruits and vegetables, guava included, can easily lead to digestive problems for our pets if overfed. Guava should be given as a sporadic treat not as a daily occurrence.
  • Remove the seeds and skin — Both of these can be a choking hazard for dogs, especially smaller breeds. While edible to humans, take care to remove them before sharing with your pup.
  • Observe their sugar intake — Guavas are a high-sugar fruit. Eating them too often can lead to excessive weight gain or metabolic issues.
  • Avoid guava leaves — While some sources tout the anti-diarrheal effects of guava leaves, others say the leaves can be toxic to dogs. It’s best to avoid them altogether and focus solely on feeding the flesh of the fruit.
Dalmatian sniffing tray with assorted tropical fruits.
Photo credit: Pexels.

How to feed guava to your dog

Wash the fruit well then peel the skin or rind off the fruit. Slice the guava in half and remove the seeds from the center.

Cut the guava into small pieces and offer a small amount to your dog while you enjoy the rest. If this is the first time you’re feeding guava, start with a small amount in isolation and watch for any negative side effects.

If no reaction occurs, it can be added to their normal food in the future or given as a treat here and there.

Pureed guava can be frozen in ice cube trays and makes a great icy treat for warmer months.

Guava is a safe, nutritious fruit for your dog

Next time you grab guavas from the market or store, feel free to share this nutritious tropical fruit with your pup. Remember to remove the skin and seeds and only offer a small amount. Any fruit or vegetable, whether mango or cabbage, should always be given in moderation.